Leadership Incubation for Health Professionals

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What is Leadership Incubation program for Health/LIPH/?

The Ethiopian Leadership Incubation Program for Health is intended to recruit, develop and nurture individuals who display exceptional commitment and passion for the health of the population and have health sector leadership potential.
The program strives to develop future leaders and provide the opportunity for meaningfully contribute in the health sector by assuming various leadership positions.
The program will be initiated by building on past experiences and fresh perspectives in a structured way.

Components of LIP for Health

Targeted Recruitment: multiple levels of selection will be in place to identify high potential health leaders. In addition to the eligibility screening criteria, several competencies and behaviors will be taken into account throughout the selection process to identify and retain top talented future health leaders.
Problem solving projects: involves the identification of an existing problem in a real- world setting and the application of problem solving skills and methods to develop a solution that addresses the problem directly.
Leadership courses: deepen awareness and understanding, to extend mental models and to stimulate reflection
Coaching: involves developing the individual holistically for the future—professionally, personally, and often, morally
Mentoring: may only be for a short period of time and focuses on helping the individual overcome a specific issue or performance challenge in the present.
Networking: providing an opportunity to network and leverage experience from key health leaders and keep up to date with the latest updates in leadership development in the health sector.
Shadowing: a person in a leadership development program accompanies, observes and collaborates with senior leader, while the senior leaders is exercising leadership functions.
Psychometric evaluation: for developing trainers by understanding their personality and how this interacts with a particular function or role, and working to develop their strengths and areas for improvement, so they reach their full potential.